Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read

Short answer: because I really f^ck!ng care
I got this response a week ago and just met withthem today.

For context, I was introducing ChatGems to apotential angel investor. With that said, these tips apply to any cold outreach:
And yes, there are many well-known best practices(like brevity) that I assume you already know.

# 1 Be genuine, not just customized. Let yourpersonality bleed through the words. If you are lucky enough to have yourmessage read, make it "your message." With the influx of AI-generatedmessages, a human touch is a pattern disruptor.

# 2 Find the small thing. This angel's newslettername caught my eye. It was specific and carried a few assumptions. Itreferenced "steelhead," which typically only anglers know about. Iused this as a base for my message and wove my pitch around it. Here's asnippet: "I once read that we are fishing for roughly 1% of the anadromousfish that we used to... Well, modern sales teams are averaging the same output,only penetrating 1% of lead lists."

# 3 Show that you care (Look at the timestamp). Idon't have a way to measure this, but I think if you are consistent, thesethings are noticed and show up in the aggregate. I could have responded in themorning, and in this case, it may not have mattered. But over the long run, Ithink it does. Maybe it shows how hard I work, which shows how much I care,which, along with a ton of other data points, might encourage him to write acheck.

Guess we will find out...

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