ChatGems News & Updates

The latest developments in Conversational AI for Business

The ChatGems dashboard allows customers to monitor the evolution of your campaign providing the feedback gathered from all of your user's conversations with our AI in real time.
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read
Be genuine, not just customized. Find the small thing. Show that you care.
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read
Developing a robust win/loss analysis program, leveraging tools like conversational AI surveys and NLP data mining, is essential for understanding customer relationships and optimizing sales strategies. Regular feedback, detailed post-decision interviews, and comprehensive data visualization help refine your approach, improve win rates, and drive long-term business success.
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, growing often means automating outreach
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read
Quick responses lead to big impacts
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read
Tools to Analyze Customer Feedback
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read
Win-loss automation
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read
Convert Cold Leads Into Sales
Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read

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