Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read

Meet Brannon Santos (and River), the innovative mind behind ChatGems, revolutionizing how businesses engage with customers and leads using AI!

Brannon is using AI to solve the problems he encountered during his 12 years in B2B SaaS, namely the declining engagement rate between companies and their prospects. Having purchased software for the teams he led at previous businesses, Brannon empathizes with the buyer’s side as well.

“I believe a new option other than cold calls or emails needs to exist. Younger generations of buyers are very resistant to the tactics that worked well 10 years ago. They also expect to be rewarded for their time and information, and they don’t want to be sold to over another Zoom call. Given these observations, we’re building the platform to power it.”

Connect with him on LinkedIn and follow along on our journey!

#innovator #innovatorprofile #ai #growth #growth #innovation #automation #customersuccess

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