Pavel Overtchouk
October 26, 2023
min read

Looking for tools to analyze customer feedback and get valuable insights?

Those are among the most popular right now:

CallMiner: is a Speech Analytics Platform that beyond transcription offers sentimentanalysis, topic modeling, and speech analytics for calls, chats, and videos toidentify buying signals, churn risk, and areas for improvement.

Qualtrics CustomerXM: is a Customer Feedback Analysis tool that analyzes text feedbackfrom surveys and reviews using sentiment analysis and topic modelling tocategorize feedback and identify trends.

Ada: is a Customer Support Service agent that uses sentiment analysis and topicmodeling to understand customer needs, escalate complex issues, and provideconversation summaries for internal review.

ChatGems: is a Business Conversational AI startup that offers a business platformcombined with a chat app that qualifies, discovers, and books demos with yourstale leads. Setting up a customizable campaign is automated and takes under 5minutes. And analyzed conversations with your users are returned to your teamin real time!

Let us know what you think of those products.

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